Divine Connection - Part 6

Scripture Reading - Isaiah 30:21 KJV

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are continuing on the ways of God concerning being led by the Holy Spirit of God. This means all Children of God ought to be led by the Holy Spirit. When we are operating within God’s Will it allows us to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen. In the first lesson entitled Divine Connections - Part 1 we mentioned a little on what you could do to be led of God. We mentioned that daily fellowship with God is how the Good Lord will direct your steps. In the next lesson (Diving Connections - Part 2) it stated that when we (ihlcc) speak of daily fellowship with God we are speaking about two specific things knowing (understanding) The Word of God and following the leadings from The Spirit of God. In Divine Connections Lesson - Part 4 we shared our thoughts on conscience because a lot of your decisions comes directly from your conscience. If you aren’t properly following your conscience you are not properly following God’s Voice in your heart. In Lesson 5 we looked at David for an example of being led by the spirit of God both inwardly with God and outwardly with his fellow man. In today’s lesson we will look at an example of being in the right place at the right time for the right thing(s) to happen that didn’t include money but rather great spiritual blessing. Let’s examine the example of Ananias from the New Testament found in Acts 9:10-19. Normally it is good to show the whole scriptural account from the Holy Bible but that is too long for this devotional. We (ihlcc) will start by pointing out some highlights hoping that you open your Holy Bible to follow along with us. Starting with verse 10 we notice that God spoke plainly to Ananias. He called Ananias by name to be sure He had his full attention. We have seen in other examples when a vision is mentioned it is referring to God speaking directly to the believer while showing them a spiritual picture of something relating to the kingdom of God and typically the believer is awake as opposed to using symbolic language during their sleep when trying to interpret and understanding certain Godly dreams. The Lord instructions were very clear and exact including where to go and what to do when he got there. We notice that God gave him the Word of Knowledge (past and current events outside of our own personal knowledge) and even the Word of Wisdom (future events to come) about Saul which helped Ananias see the big picture better because he then knew where this good work was headed. This information was very useful to confirm the heart of Saul being right with God. However, we read that Ananias was not comfortable doing this assignment to be in the right place at the right time because Saul had a bad reputation concerning Christian believers. Notice God didn’t get upset with Ananias for questioning his assignment but rather our Gracious Lord explained some more about His Will concerning Saul which is wisdom because God didn’t try to dismiss the information from Ananias He mainly wanted Ananias to know that The Lord called Saul to be one of His Chosen vessels and The Lord was inspiring Ananias to trust in Him not so much in what Saul had previously done. That information was enough to persuade him to follow God’s plan. As we have said before please notice that being in the right place and the right time for the right things to happen may affect others not just yourself. Think about it, “How many people did Ananias’s obedience affect? Probably countless by man but well known by God. We understand by these scriptures that Saul was seeking physical sight and Ananias was a direct spiritual link to making that happen. So, in this example being the right place at the right time required obedience and faith because at first Ananias didn’t want (will) to go to God’s place for him at that time. We even see that after spending time fellowshipping (talking) to God Ananias then changed his viewpoint of Saul and call Saul a brethren which was in line with the Lord’s heart. Spending the extra time with God could make all the difference between your path being clear or it being cloudy. It is said, “You will never know the Will of God until you understand the Heart of God!” This obedience of Ananias not only ministered God’s sight to Saul but he also minister being filled with the Holy Spirit. We always say, “God use me.” but in practical application God always uses or partners with those who are present and ready. Saul did immediately receive his sight as the scales fell from his eyes which confirms that this meeting was a success for God, The Kingdom of God and many Christian believers. Someone might ask, “Why didn’t God just heal Saul directly the scripture doesn’t answer that but perhaps The Lord wanted to showing Saul that all God’s Children need each other, so we go forth as a team, each member functioning effectively is their assignment (place) in the Body of Christ. We (ihlcc) do want to point out that being led by the Holy Spirit within your spirit might not always be easy and you might have some reservations at times but when the Lord is leading you and the associated believers do their part it will all workout unto the glory of God and bring praise unto the Name of Jesus. We always read these accounts of blessing in the Holy Bible and praise God but in our everyday lives the only way we will experience these types of blessings from God is to be led by our spirit man coupled with the Holy Spirit. Seeking to do God’s Will isn’t enough because we must be willing to do what we believe. Let all see us doing what we say for our words require corresponding action. The Lord is openly speaking to our heart on a regular basis so that we will be in the right place at the right time to have the right things to happen to us or through us. All Glory, Honor and Praise be unto God, The Father Almighty and His Holy Righteous Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Precious Savior. Amen!